Thursday, February 12, 2009

Setting up a Linux Practice Lab (Part 2)

Installing the Server

This is the main server used throughout the class for remote installation & as a yum repository.

1. Installation
Install using CD boot method. The required setting changes are listed below in order of appearance. All other options are to be left at default.
Skip entering Installation Number
Partitioning: Create custom layout









Network Devices: Edit - Disable DHCP and IPv6.
IPv4 address: Netmask:
Set hostname manually to:
Set root password to: redhat
Select to install the Web Server. No need to customize software selection
During first boot setup: Disable Firewall and SELinux
Set Up Software Updates: Select: “No, I prefer to register at a later time” and “No thanks, I’ll connect later”
Create User: user with Password: password

2. Installation source setup
Extract content of all 5 CDs into a single directory called /install

# unalias cp
# cp –r /media/RHEL-5\ i386\ Disc\ X/* /install
(Where X is the number of the disk that you are copying, beginning with 1 for the first disk, and so on)

Copy contents the Server directory on all 5 CDs into the /repo/Server directory. This can be done using either cp or simply drag & drop in Nautilus.

# cp –r /media/RHEL-5\ i386\ Disc\ X/Server/* /repo/Server

3. NFS Setup
# vi /etc/exports

Add the following line:
/install *(ro,no_root_squash)
/repo/Server *(ro,no_root_squash)

Save the file. :wq

Check the syntax:
# exportfs –a
Start-up the NFS Service:
# service nfs start
Set the NFS Service to start-up on boot:
# chkconfig nfs on
Confirm NFS shares are exported:
# showmount -e

In part 3, I'll go into setting up a local yum repository. (Because my lab is in an isolated LAN)

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